3 Recipes for Your Winter Celebration

Amid the polar vortex, putting together a winter celebration will demand an extra effort when it comes to getting creative about dishes and beverages that may help keep your guests warm during your winter party. In this article, we’ll share 3 recipes that are perfect...

2 Recipes for the Winter Dinner Party

Dinner parties during winter demand generous servings of comfort food. The following recipes are perfect to entertain your guests and fight the cold. Salmon Marmitako Marmitako is a Basque word that means “from the pot”. This is a simple yet delicious preparation...

Winter Decorations Made of Paper

Throwing a party in winter with a polar vortex going can be tricky and if you want to decorate the venue of the event without spending too much or driving in the snow to the closest party decoration store, you can try the following winter decorations made of paper....

Stress-Free New Years Eve Party

The holiday season is all about sharing with the people we love and of course, celebrating with them. However, organising holiday events and specially christmas or new years eve parties can be a stressful project. [Related topic: special events] New Year’s Eve is...